You cannot overlook the v-lines if you want to build a shredded midriff. The sex lines, as they are popularly known, are located where the obliques meet the transversus abdominis muscles.
The transversus abdominis muscle is the deepest of the six abdominal muscles. It extends between the ribs and the pelvis, wrapping around the trunk from front to back. The fibers of this muscle run horizontally, similar to a back support belt.
Obliques, on the other hand, are fish-gill-like muscles at the side of your abs. Contrary to what most people think, obliques aren’t all about aesthetics and help with rotational movements, bending from side to side, and protecting your spine.
V-lines are located at the bottom of your abdomen. Now there are two problems with this. First, crunches are the go-to ab exercise for most people. However, they do little to nothing in building the sex lines. Second, most folks hold stubborn fat in the lower abdomen, and you cannot shed it only with ab exercises.
With all said and done, building the sex lines is easier said than done. You need the perfect balance of diet, training, recovery, and genetics before the Greek gods bless you with these v-lines.
This article touches upon everything that will help you carve the much-desired sex lines and achieve a cover photo-worthy physique.
Genetics for V-Lines
Genetics plays a crucial role in shaping your physique. Although borderline unfair, some people will find it easier to develop a shredded midriff than their peers.
No two people have the same amount of fat around their abdominal. Plus, some folks have thicker abdominal skin than their counterparts, making the v-line unveiling process harder. Adding to the problem is the fact that many people have uneven or angled abs, which makes the fat in the area asymmetrical and hard to lose.
Depending on your genetics, you might have to diet and train longer and harder than others to build the coveted v-lines. However, even then, you might not be able to achieve deep and separated sex lines like your favorite Instagram fitness influencer.
Check Out: Top 5 Bodybuilders With The Best Genetics Ever
V-Lines Nutrition program
You should begin in the kitchen if your goal is to build a six-pack and chiseled v-lines. If you are like most people and have your abs covered by a layer of fat, you need to get into a calorie deficit to shed body weight, meaning you should expend more calories in a day than you consume.
You need to drop your body fat percentage to reveal your abs. Here is an overview of the relationship between body fat percentage and ab visibility:
- 20%+: A soft midsection with no visible abs. A bulging waistline.
- 15-19%: Usually considered a healthy body fat percentage. However, you shouldn’t expect to see any ab definition.
- 10-14%: People in this category are lean, meaning your abs will be visible.
- 5-9%: You will be diced AF.
You should work towards being in the 5-9 percent body fat category if you are getting ready for a photo shoot or a show. However, staying at such a low body fat for a prolonged period is not recommended. Hence, the 10-14 percent body fat category is a more viable option if you want to stay in a shredded condition throughout the year.
Now that you know about your goal body fat percentage, here is an oversimplified step-by-step guide on how to achieve it:
1. Determine Your Average Daily Calorie Intake
We recommend using calorie-tracking apps like MyFitnessPal to log your food for at least a week. Find out your average daily calorie intake value.
2. Follow a Calculated Weight Loss Approach
Many folks make the mistake of cutting too many calories out of their diets at once. This is a non-sustainable approach as your body cannot tolerate too big a calorie deficit in the long run; you will experience side effects like mental fog, prolonged fatigue, headache, etc.
Studies suggest that one gram of fat contains 3,500 calories. Experts believe you should cut out 500 calories from your daily diet to shed one pound of weight each week. [1]
A 500-calorie reduction is considered moderate and won’t cause crashes, starvation, or excess cravings. Follow this calorie cut until you achieve your body weight and fat percentage goal.
3. Eat Whole Foods
Even though your body weight eventually depends on calories in versus calories out, you cannot live on doughnuts and expect to stay healthy.
You should break down your calories into macro goals to ensure overall physique development. You could use our convenient online macronutrient calculator to determine your daily protein, carb, and fat targets. Make sure you are getting your calories from nutrient-dense whole foods.
4. Stay Hydrated
Water is one of the most overlooked aspects while building v-lines. While it is true that you must cut out the water from your routine before a bodybuilding show or a photo shoot, you shouldn’t limit your H2O intake during your transformation. Plus, it can help with weight loss and body fat reduction. Drink at least a gallon of water daily to ensure optimal body functioning. [2]
V-Lines Diet
Different people can have different results from the same diet. Hence, you should follow a personalized diet to see results. However, here is a sample 2,500-calorie diet plan to help shed body fat and unveil your V-lines.
- 1/2 cup of oats
- 1 cup of strawberries
- 1 large egg and 3 egg whites (boiled)
- 1.25 cups of almond milk
- 1 scoop of whey protein
[sc name=”style-summary2″ ]
Cal: 478. Fat: 13 g, Carbs: 47 g, Protein: 48 g
- 227 g of shredded chicken breast
- 2 low-carb whole-wheat wraps
- 1 cup of bell peppers
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Cal: 370. Fat: 10 g, Carbs: 31 g, Protein: 55 g
- 4 cups of romaine lettuce and spinach mix
- 12 grape tomatoes
- 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 2 reduced-fat cheese sticks
- 150g Greek yogurt
- 1 cup of roasted almonds
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Cal: 469. Fat: 24 g, Carbs: 29 g, Protein: 36 g
- 1.25 cups of unsweetened almond milk
- 1 scoop of whey protein
- 150g of greek yogurt
- 1 cup of mixed frozen fruits
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Cal: 348. Fat: 4 g, Carbs: 38 g, Protein: 37 g
- 1 scoop of whey protein mixed with water
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Cal: 120. Fat: 1 g, Carbs: 3 g, Protein: 24 g
- 226 g of lean ground beef
- 1/2 cup of brown rice
- 2 cups of steamed broccoli
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Cal: 442. Fat: 10 g, Carbs: 38 g, Protein: 56 g
- 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese
- 1 cup of strawberries
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Cal: 229. Fat: 5 g, Carbs: 22 g, Protein: 25 g
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Total daily intake: Calories: 2,456. Fat: 67 g, Carbs: 208 g, Protein: 281 g
Cardio for V-Lines
Although it is not necessary, cardio can help speed up your V-line progress by putting you in a calorie deficit. We recommend two cardio sessions a day:
- HIIT: The first cardio session of the day will be a 10-15 minute HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout, ideally on an empty stomach.
- LISS: A 30-45 minute LISS (low-intensity steady-state) cardio session will be the second cardio workout, preferably done towards the end of the day.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Note: Log the calories burnt through cardio in your calorie tracking app.
Related: HIIT vs. LISS Cardio: Which One Is Best for Fitness and Fat Loss?
Exercises for V-Lines
Add the following exercises to your exercise arsenal to build a shredded midriff:
1. Burpee
Burpees are one of the most brutal HIIT exercises to shed body weight and develop a chiseled midsection.
How to perform:
- Stand upright with a shoulder-width stance.
- Squat as low as possible.
- Lower your hands to the floor in front of you so they’re just inside your feet.
- With your weight on your hands, kick your feet back so you’re on your hands and toes in a pushup position.
- Perform a pushup.
- Do a frog kick by jumping your feet back to their starting position.
- Stand and reach your arms over your head.
- Jump quickly into the air so you land back where you started.
- As soon as you land with your knees bent, get into a squat position and do another rep.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Beginners could make this exercise easier by performing the pushup on their knees and omitting the jump.
- A full-body compound movement that will help build explosiveness.
- A HIIT exercise that will help melt body fat.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Full body
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Compound
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 15-20
Check out our detailed burpee guide here!
2. Hanging Leg Raise
The hanging leg raise is an isolation exercise to target the stubborn lower abdomen.
How to perform:
- Hang onto a pull-up bar using an overhand grip.
- With your core braces, raise your lower body towards the ceiling until your upper legs are at least parallel to the floor while maintaining a slight bend in your knees.
- Pause at the top.
- Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
- Repeat for desired reps.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Performing this exercise with knees bent so that your lower legs are perpendicular to the floor can help lower the resistance and make the movement easier for beginners.
- Isolates your abs, especially your lower abdomen.
- A beginner-friendly movement that will give you a nasty ab pump.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 15-20
Check out our detailed hanging leg raise guide here!
3. Hollow Hold
The hollow hold is one of the most underutilized ab exercises. The isometric exercise will help you zero in your midriff and help improve your muscle definition.
How to perform:
- Lay supine on the floor with your legs straight, hips flexed, and arms reaching towards the ceiling.
- Brace your core and slowly raise your arms and legs towards the ceiling until they are at a 60-degree angle with the floor.
- Hold the position for 45-60 seconds.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat for reps.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: You could use ankle weight to add resistance as you get better at this exercise.
- A low-impact exercise to improve your ab definition.
- Helps build core strength.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Compound
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 20-30 seconds
Check out our detailed hollow hold guide here!
4. Cross-Body Mountain Climber
This mountain climber variation is incredibly effective at training your obliques and v-lines. It is a must-include in every sex line training regimen.
How to perform:
- Get into a pushup position and ensure your hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Your body should form a straight line from the feet to your head.
- Tighten your core and maintain the contraction the entire time.
- Lift your left leg off the floor and bring it close to your right elbow.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat on the other side.
- Alternate between reps.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Twist your core slightly at the movement’s top for better oblique engagement.
- Helps improve oblique definition.
- The high plank position keeps your core engaged throughout the exercise.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Compound
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 20-25 (each side)
5. Lying Leg Raise
The lying leg raise is an incredibly effective exercise to target the mid and lower abs. You could make the exercise harder by using ankle weights.
How to perform:
- Lay supine in a relaxed position with your legs straight and your hands under your hips for support.
- While keeping your core flexed, raise your legs towards the ceiling until they are perpendicular to the floor.
- Pause and contract your abs at the top.
- Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
- Repeat for recommended repetitions.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: You could perform the lying leg raise on a flat bench for a better range of motion.
- Keeps your lower abdomen under constant tension throughout the range of motion.
- A beginner-friendly exercise.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 15-25
Check out our detailed lying leg raise guide here!
6. V-Up
The V-up is an advanced exercise that will set your core on fire by the time you are done with it.
How to perform:
- Lie supine on the ground with your legs extended and feet placed together.
- Extend your arms overhead.
- Simultaneously, lift your legs and torso off the ground.
- Bring your arms forward and reach for your ankles as you balance on your hips.
- Pause and contract your core at the top.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Repeat for reps.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Make sure you are not using momentum. Keep the reps slow and deliberate while concentrating on your core.
- Improves your mobility, balance, and coordination.
- Trains your upper, middle, and lower abs simultaneously.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Hypertrophy
- Mechanics: Compound
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 15-20
Check out our detailed V-up guide here!
7. Russian Twist
The Russian twist is one of the best exercises to work the obliques. Plus, using weight while performing this exercise will also work your shoulders and build rotational strength.
How to perform:
- Sit on the floor.
- Bend at your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
- Elongate and straighten your spine at a 45-degree angle from the floor, creating a V shape with your torso and thighs.
- Reach your arms straight out in front, interlacing your fingers or clasping your hands together.
- Use your abdominals to twist to the right, then back to the center, and then to the left.
- Repeat for recommended reps.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Exhale sharply and contract your abs as hard as possible while twisting.
- Helps build rotational or anti-rotational strength.
- Holding your torso at a 45-degree angle with the floor puts your core under constant tension throughout the exercise.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 15-20
Check out our detailed Russian twist guide here!
8. Ab Wheel Rollout
The ab wheel rollout is an advanced exercise and requires core strength to perform with the correct form.
How to perform:
- Kneel on the floor and grab an ab wheel with an overhand grip.
- At the starting position, your knees should be under your hips and your hands under your chest.
- Keeping your back and arms straight, slowly roll the wheel out in front of you until your arms are fully extended.
- Tense the abs and slowly roll the barbell back towards your knees.
- Repeat for recommended reps.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Pause at the bottom of the movement for a five count for optimal core recruitment.
- Delivers maximum ab extension and contraction.
- Helps build core strength that carries forward to other exercises.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Compound
- Equipment: Barbell
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Best Rep Range: 10-15
Check out our detailed ab wheel rollout guide here!
9. Reverse Crunch
The reverse crunch is one of the most overlooked ab exercises. It is the mirror opposite of the conventional crunch and works your middle and lower abs.
How to perform:
- Lie face-up on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degrees.
- Place your feet flat on the floor and keep your arms near your sides with your palms down.
- Brace your core and lift your feet off the ground and raise your thighs until they’re vertical.
- Bring your knees toward your face as far as possible without lifting your mid-back from the mat.
- Your hips and lower back should lift off the ground. Keep your knees bent at 90 degrees throughout the movement.
- Slowly lower to the starting position.
- Repeat for recommended reps.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Do not let your feet touch the floor at the bottom of the movement to keep constant tension on your abs.
- One of the easiest and most effective lower ab exercises.
- Keeps the more dominant upper abs out of the movement.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 15-20
Check out our detailed reverse crunch guide here!
10. Cable Crunch
The cable crunch is an excellent exercise for the V-lines as it delivers an optimal ab contraction at the movement’s top.
How to perform:
- Attach the rope handle to a high pulley cable and set the appropriate weight on the stack.
- Stand directly in front of the cable machine, facing away from it.
- Grasp the rope from behind your head with your palms facing inward and drop to your knees.
- Your buttocks should be resting on top of your feet. Keeping your elbows bent and hands at either head or shoulder height, crunch down as far as possible.
- Pause, then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Keep your reps slow and controlled to get the best bang for your buck.
- The cable keeps constant tension on your abs throughout the exercise.
- The range of motion allows optimal core stimulation.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Cable
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 15-25
Check out our detailed cable crunch guide here!
11. Side Plank
Since the V-lines are placed at the side of your abs, isometric exercises like the side plank can help build deeper and more defined sex lines.
How to perform:
- Lay on the floor on your left side.
- Place your left knee under your shoulder and place your forearm on the floor so it is perpendicular to your body.
- Place your feet on top of one another.
- Lift your hips so your body is exactly straight.
- Hold this position for as long as possible.
- Repeat on your right side.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: Place a weight plate on your top for added resistance as you get better at this exercise.
- Helps develop the obliques and V-lines.
- Improves your performance in transverse plane exercises.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Abs
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Bodyweight
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Best Rep Range: 30-60 seconds (each side)
Check out our detailed side plank guide here!
12. Landmine Oblique Twist
The landline oblique twist will set your obliques and V-lines on fire. Make sure you are exhaling while turning to your sides for optimal muscle fiber recruitment.
How to perform:
- Position a barbell in a landmine attachment.
- Stand on the other end of the bar.
- Grasp the end of the barbell in front of your chest with both hands overlapping.
- Rotate your shoulders and keep the arms locked out while allowing the end of the barbell to rotate around your body.
- Repeat in the opposite direction for the desired number of repetitions.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
Pro Tip: You could add a weight plate to the bar as you get better at this lift.
- Strengthens and develop your obliques and sex lines.
- Improves your rotational strength.
[sc name=”style-summary-2nd” ]
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Obliques
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Compound
- Equipment: Barbell
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Best Rep Range: 10-15 (each side)
Check out our detailed landmine oblique twist guide here!
V-Lines Workout
We recommend following a circuit abdominal workout if you want to build V-lines. The HIIT workout will help you shed body fat and achieve optimal muscle fiber recruitment.
You should start each workout with five minutes of cardio and 5-10 minutes of stretching to minimize the risk of injury during training.
Each circuit is to be performed three times. You are allowed a 30-second rest after each exercise and a 2-3 minute rest between each round. Resting for longer will hamper the intensity of your set.
V-Lines Workout #1 (3 rounds)
- Burpees: 30 seconds
- Hanging Leg Raise: 30-45 seconds
- Russian Twist: 30-60 seconds
- Ab Wheel Rollout: 15-30 seconds
- Cable Crunch: 30-45 seconds
- Side Plank: 30-45 seconds (each side)
V-Lines Workout #2 (3 rounds)
- Cross-Body Mountain Climber: 45-60 seconds
- Lying Leg Raise: 30-45 seconds
- V-Up: 30-45 seconds
- Reverse Crunch: 30-45 seconds
- Landmine Oblique Twist: 30-45 seconds
- Hollow Hold: 30-45 seconds
Wrapping Up
The V-lines are a symbol of a super-strong core and low body fat. Plus, there is no denying that they can add to your aesthetics. This article covers everything you need to know about building the coveted sex lines.
Since the V-lines require a low body fat percentage, they demand a lot of hard work initially and a shift in your lifestyle to maintain them over the long term. Stick to the basics and not even the mighty Zeus can stop you from achieving a Greek god midriff. Best of luck!
- Guth E. Healthy Weight Loss. JAMA. 2014;312(9):974. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.10929
- Stookey JD, Constant F, Popkin BM, Gardner CD. Drinking water is associated with weight loss in overweight dieting women independent of diet and activity. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 Nov;16(11):2481-8. doi: 10.1038/oby.2008.409. Epub 2008 Sep 11. PMID: 18787524.