The former Sub-Junior IPF World and European champion, Samantha Eugenie, is continuing to amaze the majority of powerlifting fans. Samantha had an incredible career in the Sub-Junior category, but now at 19-years-old, she will move up to the Juniors category. Judging by her recent training videos, Samantha is already chasing new records. On March 9th, she already unofficially equaled one World Record and posted a 210 kg (463 lbs) deadlift on her Instagram.
Samantha’s lift is the same as the current IPF Junior World Record in the 63 kg weight class. Bernardi Chiara set the record by pulling 210 kg (463 lbs) at the 2021 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships. Samantha only used a lifting belt, which made her deadlift raw. Her style of lifting is with a sumo stance and a mixed grip. This is not Samantha’s training PR, as she lifted 216 kg (476.1 lbs) before.
You can watch the lift here:
“210 kg @7-8
I’m happy with this bar because I haven’t lifted on calibrated in months.⠀
On the way to the French Jr. championships 🤝.”
Related: 17 y/o Samantha Eugenie Hits New Deadlift Block Pull PR of 232.5kg/512.5lbs
It was clear that Samantha pulled 210 kg (463 lbs) with extreme ease. However, she also estimated that the lift was an RPE 7-8, meaning that she could have done 1-2 more repetitions.
Samantha also revealed that she will compete at the French JR national championships. The competition is scheduled for May 13-15, 2022.
Samantha Eugenie’s Career
At only 19-years-old, Samantha Eugenie is extremely close to competing against the best athletes in the sport. She has taken part in 8 sanctioned competitions already and has won 6 of them. Her most notable wins came in the Sub-Junior category of the 2019 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships, and the 2019 EPF European Classic Championships.
Samantha also holds three IPF World Sub-Junior Records in the 63 kg weight class. She set all three records at the 2019 EPF European Classic Championships. Those records are: Squat: 160 kg (348.3 lbs), Deadlift: 190 kg (418.8), Total: 435 kg (959 lbs).
However, since moving up to the Juniors category, Samantha has improved a few of her lifts. Her current official (done in competition) PRs are:
- Squat: 170 kg (374.8 lbs) (2021 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships)
- Bench Press: 100 kg (220.5 lbs) (2021 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships)
- Deadlift: 190 kg (418.8 lbs) (2019 EPF European Classic Championships)
- Total: 450 kg (992 lbs) (2021 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships)
Related: Samantha Eugenie Hits New 216kg/476.1lb Deadlift PR at 63kg Bodyweight
Samantha Eugenie looks like she will become one of the biggest rivals to the current 63 kg IPF World Champion, Prescillia Bavoil. She is already getting compared with Prescillia, and maybe one day we could see Samantha break some of her world records in the open age division of the 63 kg weight class.