Phill Herndon - Image via @phillip_herndon Instagram
Phillip Herndon, a world record holder in powerlifting, has made tremendous progress this year already, but he recently also achieved a new Personal Record (PR) in the paused squat by lifting an impressive 804 pounds paused, which is equal to 365 kilograms. Phillip shared the feat of strength on Instagram, which was then admired by thousands of people.
This impressive feat was accomplished using a lifting belt and knee sleeves, which are considered to be raw by powerlifting standards. Phillip Herndon was able to lift 804 pounds (365 kilograms), which is a staggering 40 pounds (18.1 kilograms) heavier than his previous PR. This is an incredible accomplishment, and is a testament to the dedication and hard work that Phillip has put into his training.
The paused squat is a type of powerlifting exercise that involves lowering the body down into a squatting position, pausing for a moment, and then pushing back up to the starting position. This exercise is commonly used to develop strength and power in the legs and hips, and is often used as a measure of overall strength and athleticism in powerlifting competitions.
Phillip Herndon shared a deadlift of equal weight to his squat in the same post, which saw him pull 804 pounds (365 kilograms) with relative ease. Herndon revealed that his bodyweight at the time of these two lifts was 260 pounds (117.9 kilograms).
Phillip Herndon took part in 39 sanctioned competitions so far during his career and won a significant amount of them. Herndon has always been known for his squat, a feat that was displayed once again recently when Herndon set the Raw Squat World Record at the 2022 WRPF The Freaks Come Out At Night. So, he is now chasing to reach the 400-kilogram (881.8-pound) milestone.
Phillip Herndon’s Competition PRs
Squat (Raw): 395 kilograms (870.8 pounds) — (2022 WRPF The Freaks Come Out At Night)
Squat (with wraps): 435 kilograms (959 pounds) — U110KG World Record — (2022 USPC Mid-Atlantic Classic)
Data Source: Open Powerlifting. Last Updated: August 17, 2023
Phillip Herndon continues to push the limits of what is possible, which is definitely an inspiration to many other powerlifters. His squat has the potential to make him one of the best in the sport, and with how he is progressing, that may not be far off. At the moment, it is unclear if Phillip plans on competing in any sanctioned events soon, but until then, his training lifts will highlight his improvements.
Vedad is a lifelong fitness enthusiast, who is especially passionate about all things Strength related. Vedad loves to write about strength sports just as much as he likes to train. Worked hard to gain his knowledge, but is still in a constant chase for improvement.