Slovakia’s Michal Krizo is clapping back at fans who accused him of photoshopping a recent picture while guest posing at the NPC Balkan Grand Prix. In an Instagram post, Krizo denied all photo-editing allegations and said he shared the picture because he appreciated it.
Michal Krizo’s ascent as a Men’s Open competitor has been nothing short of impressive. Last year, he switched to the NPC from the IFBB Elite Pro League. The 32-year-old wasted no time in procuring his IFBB pro card at the 2022 Amateur Olympia Italy event. After claiming yet another victory at the EVLS Prague Pro, Krizo earned his right to compete on the Mr. Olympia stage.
Heading into Las Vegas, Krizo was dubbed a notable threat despite it being his first Olympia. There was added excitement to see Krizo perform given the rivalries he sparked with Nick Walker, Blessing Awodibu, and Iain Valliere. In the end, Krizo proved he was more than just hype with a 12th-place finish.
Krizo was initially targeting September’s Arnold Classic UK show (now known as Experience With Sports Festival UK). However, he hinted at a surprise contest in two months after showing off a massive physique update. To sharpen his presentation skills, Krizo guest posed at last weekend’s NPC Balkan Grand Prix, where fans called him out for having seemingly modified quads.
Michal Krizo Defends Himself After Edited Photos Go Viral: This is My Profile, I Can Post Whatever I Want’
Krizo took to social media after fans accused him of photoshopping his quads to look bigger.
“I have to defend myself here. I don’t do any photoshops, I shared because I liked the photo. That is all. I’m actually a 20-kilo midget, that is all. Thanks for your understanding,” Michal Krizo wrote on Instagram.
“Ok man send me original photo. Are u done with your hates? i think this is my profile and i can post what i want” Krizo shared in a different post.
You can find the pictures below, which fans argue have been heavily edited.
Update: In a story post shared via Instagram, Krizo reuploaded the picture and confirmed it was edited with Photoshop by one of his fans. You can find the unedited version below:
This isn’t Krizo’s first guest posing obligation of the 2023 season. In April, Krizo displayed his 300-pound physique posing in Colmar, Alsace, France. Given the well-known critiques of his presentation and posing, Krizo is determined to correct any and all areas that held him back from success on the Olympia stage.
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From the Iranian Hulk (Sajad Gharibi) to the ‘Notorious’ Conor McGregor, fans take photo-editing allegations seriously. While Krizo may have reshared an edited photo of his physique, he maintains his innocence and says he doesn’t use Photoshop to enhance his image.