Larissa Borges, a popular fitness influencer, tragically died on Monday (August 28, 2023) at 33 following two cardiac arrest episodes due to causes unknown. She fought courageously for her life in a coma before passing away. The news was first made available by Borges’ family, who’ve taken over her Instagram account to honor her memory.
“Our beloved daughter, take your steps with God and be blessed,” the family wrote.
Reports from local media indicate that Borges was hospitalized on August 20 after suffering from cardiac arrest while she attempted to travel in Gramado. The 33-year-old was comatose for a week. However, tragedy struck again as she suffered from another cardiac episode, however, this time, it proved to be fatal.
“The pain of losing someone so young, with only 33 years old, and so lovely, is overwhelming. Our hearts are broken, and the longing we will feel is indescribable,” her family shared via social media.
The influencer’s cause of death is unclear, but it has been suggested that drugs and alcohol might have been in her system at the time her heart troubles began. To determine exactly what has happened, authorities plan to conduct a full investigation including post-mortem analysis.
Larissa Borges Fitness Influencer Passes at 33, Cause of Death Still Unkown
Authorities had the following to say about Larissa Borges’ untimely demise:
“There is a report of a possible ingestion of narcotic substances, accumulated with alcoholic beverages,” reported Deputy Gustavo Barcellos of the ongoing investigation. “The body was sent for necropsy. We will try to search through laboratory tests for substances that she possibly consumed.”
Borges’ death is the latest to shake the fitness community. The industry has been on high alert following a number of deaths in bodybuilding as well. In January, influencer Leo Longevity met his fate at 34 inside of his ransacked Thailand home. There is still ongoing speculation about what exactly led to his mysterious passing.
Months later, popular bodybuilding personality Jo Lindner suddenly died at just 30 years old. The news sent shockwaves through the sport, with many notable athletes paying tribute to Lindner’s impact on fitness. However, suspicions about his cause of death surfaced with some blaming steroid use and others pointing to Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.
As for Larissa Borges, her family is still processing the gut-wrenching loss. The family is asking for donations which will be used to transport the body back to Borges’ hometown of Brazil.
“Any amount, however small, will make a difference and help ease the financial burden facing the family during this very challenging time,” the family member wrote.
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Gone too soon, Borges will be remembered for her happy demeanor and dedication to staying physically fit. Our team at Fitness Volt sends our best wishes and deepest condolences to Larissa Borges’ friends and family during this difficult time.