Kristy Hawkins is potentially the greatest woman in history to grace the professional powerlifting scene, but we have not seen much of her this year. However, that is about to change, as Kristy is back to her best and is getting ready to get back to action. So, the preparation for her next appearance has started and Kristy has already made some substantial improvements. Kristy displayed this during a recent training session, where she deadlifted 255 kilograms (562 pounds) for a new five-rep personal record.
While she does not have any weaknesses, Krisy Hawkins’ most prominent event seems to be the deadlift. So, her technique was once again perfect while executing the 255-kilogram (562-pound) deadlift for five reps. However, it is still mind-blowing that she has managed to complete the set with nothing but a lifting belt to aid her. Moreover, she utilized a conventional stance and a mixed grip to achieve a new personal record.
Kristy Hawkins began preparing for her next appearance approximately one month ago, so she still has plenty of time to improve. Judging by this, it makes everyone wonder how much more weight she will be able to lift when the time comes to compete.
Speaking of which, Kristy Hawkins has announced on Instagram that she will compete at the 2023 WRPF American Pro 2. It will take place on October 27-29, 2023, at the Salisbury Center, in Manassas, VA. Moreover, she has stated that she will compete in the Raw with Wraps division, meaning she will use knee wraps for the squat, and perform the other events raw.
Kristy Hawkins has taken part in 21 sanctioned competitions during her career, which might not seem like much, but she made every performance notable. She won 17 of those competitions and broke numerous All-Time World Records.
Kristy Hawkins is also very successful in other areas of her life, since she has a degree in Chemical Engineering. In addition, Kristy also competed in bodybuilding and earned her IFBB Pro Card in 2007.
Kristy Hawkins’ Competition PRs
Squat (Raw): 265 kilograms (584.2 pounds) — (2022 WRPF PPC Finals) — U75 All-Time World Record
Bench Press (Raw): 155 kilograms (341.7 pounds) — (2020 USPA Only the Strong)
Deadlift (Raw): 277.5 kilograms (611.7 pounds) — (2022 WRPF American Pro) — U75 All-Time World Record
Total (Raw): 687.5 kilograms (1,515.6 pounds) — (2022 WRPF PPC Finals) — U75 All-Time World Record
Data Source: Open Powerlifting. Last Updated: August 17, 2023
Kristy Hawkins is on track to make her first appearance of this year a very memorable one, since she hopes to lock out lifts that have never been done by another U75KG powerlifter yet. With two months remaining, Kristy is likely to achieve multiple new PRs in training. So, we will hopefully see her set some new World Records at the 2023 WRPF American Pro 2 as well.
Vedad is a lifelong fitness enthusiast, who is especially passionate about all things Strength related. Vedad loves to write about strength sports just as much as he likes to train. Worked hard to gain his knowledge, but is still in a constant chase for improvement.