Jonathan Cayco - Image via @league_of_lifting Instagram
Jonathan Cayco’s failed third deadlift attempt at the 2022 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships really ignited a fire inside of him, as he works constantly to prevent that from happening again. In the past month or so, Cayco has made a number of new deadlift rep records, but that’s nowhere near the end of his progress. Instead, Jonathan now achieved a brand new three-rep PR by deadlifting 707 pounds (321 kilograms). He also showed off his new achievement to Instagram on October 12th.
Jonathan Cayco only equipped himself with a lifting belt to complete the three rep set. So, his new PR is considered raw by powerlifting regulations. Cayco planted his feet in a conventional stance, took a big breath, and grabbed the barbell with a mixed grip before crushing all three reps of 707 pounds (321 kilograms). Most importantly, Cayco made a full stop after completing each rep instead of taking the easier route and just touching the floor with the weight plates.
“Came in exhausted, but we must be strong. Love you family
Jonathan Cayco does not share too much information about basically anything apart from his training lifts. So, it is unclear if Cayco is actively preparing for a competition or when he will compete next. Although his bodyweight at the time of his most recent deadlift PR was not specified either, Cayco exclusively competes in the 93-kilogram weight class. So, it is reasonable to assume that he is somewhere around that bodyweight currently.
During his time as a professional powerlifter, Jonathan Cayco has taken part in 14 competitions during his 7-year-long career. He also got nine victories, the most impressive one being the 2021 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships. Unfortunately, Cayco was not able to defend his title this year, as Chance Mitchell and Emil Krastev narrowly outperformed him.
Data Source: Open Powerlifting. Last Updated: August 17, 2023
With the way Jonathan Cayco’s deadlift and squat are progressing, he could easily reclaim his World Championships title next year. Cayco is already the greatest bench presser in the 93-kilogram weight class of the IPF. So, his goal is to improve in the areas where his rivals usually catch up with him. Jonathan has already made significant improvements in this regard, but he still has a long way to go until the 2023 IPF Worlds.
Andrew is a professional writer and a workaholic. He studied sports for 4 years and trained soccer for almost 15 years. In addition, for the past three years Andrew has been implementing functional training, with a dream or a plan to enroll in the special forces.