Iconic bodybuilder Jay Cutler is celebrated as a respected ambassador of the sport after hanging up his posing trunks. In recent clips posted on YouTube, Cutler shared his ‘best opinions’ on how to properly incorporate cardio in a training plan and the ideal rep range one should use to build muscle effectively.
Four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler enjoyed a successful run in the Men’s Open division during his days of competition in the 90s and 2000s. He rose to prominence through his intense rivalry with eight-time Mr. Olympia champ Ronnie Coleman. After falling short of Coleman four times on the Olympia stage, Cutler finally won his maiden Sandow trophy by dethroning him in 2006.
Cutler teamed up with Coleman and social media fitness influencer Jesse James West for a training session last month. The pair reminisced over their many battles on stage with Coleman admitting he had not forgotten about his defeat to Cutler.
He opened up about his use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), sharing he did not change his regular protocol of 200 grams of testosterone cypionate a week. He also revealed cutting out fasted cardio from his training plan to support adding muscle tissue.
The three-time Arnold Classic champion voiced his disapproval of the modern mass monsters skipping the upcoming 2023 Arnold Classic. He called on some of the top contenders to sign up for the show as it could help boost their popularity immensely. Following his message, a few notable additions like Nick Walker were confirmed for the event.
Cutler weighed in on the competition for the Arnold Classic next month. He believes Walker has the potential to win even if Derek Lunsford was on the roster. He suggested Walker focus on improving his conditioning and tightening up his back to combat the threat Lunsford presents. However, he doesn’t see anyone beating former two-time Mr. Olympia Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Elssbiay if he comes in his best form.
The 49-year-old regularly motivates his fans with workout tips. He shared his training mindset while smashing through an intense leg workout about two weeks ago.
Jay Cutler suggests incorporating cardio in two ways
In a recent YouTube clip, Jay Cutler shared his thoughts on how to properly incorporate cardio into your training program. He likes to utilize it in two ways; either by doing it first thing in the morning or after lifting.
“I do a lot of cardio,” said Cutler. “I do my fasted cardio in the morning. I have everything at my house, whether it’s bike, treadmill, step mill, or elliptical, I do it all.
“Remember, cardio is necessary when you’re trying to lean down, and increase metabolism. I prefer to do it either first thing in the morning or after the weight training session. Pay attention to that because you don’t want to burn up glycogen prior to working out with weights. So, really focus on adding your cardio as necessary but remember the training is the most important thing.”
Many gym-goers hesitate from doing cardio due to the fear of losing their hard-earned muscle mass and overstressing joints with traditional forms of cardio like jogging and running. However, it is crucial to make cardio a part of your daily training to ensure optimal heart health.
From HIIT, SIT, tabatas, to circuit training, there are several types of cardio training programs to get started. Much like Jay Cutler, having an elliptical or bike at home can make it easier to get your cardio in every morning. Interval training is another great way to get the heart pumping in less time.
Cutler promotes a higher rep range for the best gains
In another YouTube clip, Cutler gave his take on the ideal number of reps to perform for optimizing muscle growth. He encourages using higher rep ranges to build more size. It’s a practice he continues to follow from the start of his career to this day in the gym.
“8 to 12 repetitions. People ask me the most, why not 4 to 7 reps, or 3 reps? The truth is any rep range can build muscle. Higher reps are more for building the round, more inflated muscle look. A lot of powerlifters that want to be stronger focus on 1 rep max, which is more power training. Higher rep range has always worked better. It’s something I did from the time I learned from Pumping Iron and Schwarzenegger to today. I still incorporate that being almost 50 years old. I still train the same exact way and those are my best opinions on how to actually build muscle mass and train with the proper rep range.”
There are a number of different opinions on the ideal rep range one should use to achieve the most gains. Some believe in lifting heavy enough for six reps while others stick to a higher rep range. The middle path of lifting for eight to 12 reps is another common approach used by many fitness enthusiasts.
According to Cutler, it is not just about the number of reps, but also time under tension that one should focus on.
Jay Cutler has maintained a high level of fitness even after retirement. He continues to inspire the next generation of bodybuilders with his impressive physique post-competition. Last week, he gave fans a look into some of his favorite exercises for back, traps, and calves.