Retired Strongman Eddie Hall and Larry Wheels have had a complicated relationship with each other, as they publicly called each other out. It started when Eddie Hall and fellow Strongman Hafthor Bjornsson‘s rivalry transitioned into boxing, things started getting heated quickly with one-upping games on social media. The beef between The Beast and The Mountain was not a fabricated affair to sell the much-anticipated fight but rather a genuine one. Therefore when Larry Wheels lent his support to Hafthor Bjornsson publicly with a questionable social media post and it did not sit well with Hall.
The Brit confronted an awkward Larry Wheels during an event and the duo placed a $10,000 wager on the outcome of the fight before parting ways on a sour note. Bjornsson went on to defeat Hall in their March 2022 fight via unanimous decision and Wheels reminded Hall through a podcast episode that he owed him the bet money, which was the last time they mentioned each other.
Eddie Hall and Larry Wheels crossed paths at the 2022 Arnold Classic UK. However, despite the expectations, looking at their interaction, the duo seem to have put the bitter incidents in the past.
Eddie hall and Larry Wheels bury the hatchet
Eddie Hall shared a vlog series of his experience attending the 2022 Arnold Classic UK on his YouTube channel. On the third day of the event, Hall came across Larry Wheels at the exhibition. The duo exchanged pleasantries and the 27-year-old invited ‘The Beast’ over for a friendly arm wrestling match.
Wheels taught Eddie Hall the correct posture and technique for arm wrestling, but that wasn’t enough. He was able to beat Hall, who graciously accepted the defeat to a far more experienced Arm wrestler.
“Fair play… As they say, for arm wrestling you have to be in it to be good at it,” Eddie Hall admitted.
In August 2022, Larry Wheels announced that he has stopped using steroids and has switched to using Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Wheels has significantly downsized since then and looked much smaller than Hall as compared to their previous videos together. However, he was able to use his arm wrestling experience and beat the bigger guy. In addition, Larry’s bicep peak still looks impressive despite him wearing a tight jacket.
Wheels has been in Hall’s shoes before. Russian arm wrestling icon Aleksandr ‘Schoolboy’ Beziazykov (70kg) has defeated Larry twice while Indian National 70kg arm wrestling champion Stewe Thomas was able able give him a tough fight. Another young arm wrestling sensation Maxim Bitarov (70kg) also got the better of Wheels recently.
Wheels shared these experiences with Hall and said:
“I have lost to guys recently that are about 70 kg.”
Eddie Hall responded:
“What would you put that down to? His skill… Coz a 19-year-old cannot be stronger than me and you!”
Larry Wheels elaborated on what makes skilled arm wrestlers strong and said:
“But they are stronger in wrist rise, pronation and their tendons are really stronger. So all the muscles you need in arm wresting, are actually stronger. Tiny muscles that you and me never ever train…!”
The duo had a light-hearted discussion afterwards and went their own way on pleasant terms, without a trace of the animosity that existed between them before.
You can watch the full video here, courtesy of Larry Wheels’ YouTube channel: