Chris Hemsworth and his trainer, Luke Zocchi, are known for sharing their workout routines while prepping the Australian actor’s ripped physique for roles in films like Thor and the Extraction. Recently, Hemsworth shared a rigorous medicine ball routine while promoting his lifestyle wellness app called Centrfit.
Hemsworth is accustomed to getting in peak physical condition for the movie roles he partakes in. Launching his lifestyle wellness app called Centrfit in 2020, the star has used his fitness endeavor to help him accomplish a more toned physique. The decision to get into the fitness business sector has certainly paid dividends for the popular actor. Hemsworth enjoys being able to share his workouts with fans and the public eye too.
Going through several body transformations for his Hollywood movie roles, Hemsworth practices what he preaches. With a focus on improving strength, agility, and speed, the Australian actor carved out an even more muscular physique for his role in Extraction. However, the acting icon admits that he had to transition from weight training to bodyweight training to facilitate the physical changes his body underwent.
If you’re in need of motivation, look no further. Hemsworth is practicing accessible workouts that just about anyone can try out. Medicine ball techniques are a great exercise for losing weight and shedding calories as well.
Chris Hemsworth Continues Physique Transformations for Movie Roles
The movie star shared his medicine ball workout routine on his Instagram page. The routine comprised of seven different exercises, with four sets in total. As seen in the video, Hemsworth is building his core strength with the use of just one piece of equipment, the medicine ball.
“A great full body workout to help build explosive power and strength @centrfit 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Chris Hemsworth shared.
- Slam right x5
- Slam left x5
- Slam x5
- Front squat x5
- push up x5 each side
- Sit up x5
- Russian twist x5 each side
- Rest for 2 minutes
- 4x sets”
Hemsworth starts the routine with a set of wall slams, amounting to 5-reps on the right and left, and continues with five ball slams. Following the first two exercises, Chris moves onto front squats to properly work out the lower body. Next, Hemsworth switches to alternating pushups (5 on each side).
While lifting the ball into the air during each rep, the actor targets the core by firing off five sit-ups. Finally, Hemsworth practices seated Russian twists and hits each side a total of five times. This workout is repeated four times and has a rest period in between each round.
RELATED: Video: Chris Hemsworth Puts His Body Through Arduous Workout To ‘Sweat Out the Demons’
With a lighter medicine ball, these exercises can be manageable for people of all fitness levels. Medicine ball techniques are about intensity and less about the amount of weight leveraged. It’s nice to see Hemsworth offering fans a chance to witness how he sculpts his body in preparation for movie roles.