Actor Hugh Jackman continues to sharpen his physique for a return as Wolverine in the upcoming 2024 film, Deadpool 3. In a recent post published on Instagram, Jackman shared a sneak peak of his physique transformation with a core-focused planking workout.
Jackman ascended to superstardom following his role as Wolverine in the X-Men movie franchise, which lasted from 2011-2017. He’s been open about the sacrifices and preparation it took to build a superhero-level physique. With his reprisal of Wolverine in Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool 3 coming up, the 54-year-old has offered fans a closer look at his leg training days.
Earlier this year, Jackman revealed that his plan was to transform his physique ‘the old school way’ without the use of steroids. In a recent appearance on Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace, Jackman claimed he never used performance-enhancing drugs to play the role of Wolverine. Instead, Jackman credited his high-protein chicken diet for helping him stay lean and ripped.
Even bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger took notice of Jackman’s gains in response to a recent physique update. With Deadpool 3 set to hit theatres next November, Jackman is back on social media sharing yet another impressive training session designed to burn the core.
54-yo Hugh Jackman Shares Sliding Plank Exercise for Building Core Strength
In a post made to Instagram with the hashtag, ‘becomingwolverineagain,’ Jackman shared a planking exercise he’s practiced in the company of his coach, Beth Lewis.
“If you’re looking for me. I’m #becomingwolverineagain.” Hugh Jackman wrote.
Planking workouts are effective for training abdomen muscles. They help with mobility and shoulder/hip stability. His trainer, Beth Lewis, had him perform a variation with a weight plate on his back. He and his coach made this workout even more taxing by positioning his feet on a slider.
Jackman isn’t the only Australian man dominating Marvel superhero roles in Hollywood. Chris Hemsworth, who has garnered headlines for his portrayal of Thor, is also a part of that group. While building a superhero worthy physique, Hemsworth has offered up countless training sessions, some of which require no equipment.
Whether it’s pre-workout caffeine smoothies or workouts on naval ships stationed in the ocean, Hemsworth’s dedication to fitness is evident anytime he undergoes preparations for a movie role, similar to Jackman.
RELATED: Chris Hemsworth Shares Improvised Training Session in the Wild of Kenya, Africa
With over 20 years of experience playing an X-Men character, fans are looking forward to seeing Hugh Jackman on screen with Reynolds. Despite being 54 years of age, Jackman is determined to return in 2024 with one of his best looks to date.